Monday, September 27, 2004

Team work

Before I add one more word, I need to thank Judy Hourihan for all of her support, help and technical assistance in creating our Center Collaboration Blog. Judy and I have had two "working dinners", and Judy has committed many additional hours "behind the scenes" to make our blog consistent with the Center web site, artfully designed by Mark Guarino.

In addition to Judy and Mark, our work is supported by many others. I will introduce them all over the next several weeks.

It is our shared intention that our Collaboration Blog be a place where people can learn about "leaderful organizations", where everyone is a leader, and process tools that can help us experience a new level-playing-field way of working together.

Our team is continually growing. We have accomplished a lot, and with more hands and minds our progress is sure to accelerate.


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